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Views of Benin and Cotonou

Behold, this is Cotonou in six images.

Behold, this is Cotonou in a couple of images.

The Gate of No Return, commemorating the site where millions of slaves were marched down the beach and onto waiting slave ships.

Women selling African fabrics in the Dantokpa market. Colorful fabric is a big part of everyday Beninese life. Marketwomen are somewhat the lifeblood of the economy.

The forested hillsides of Pendjari park and the Atakora mountains: one of precious few areas in Benin that have a somewhat wild feel to them.

Downtown Cotonou: busy streets, a rising skyline.

Aerial view of Cotonou, including the mouth of the river of death itself.

Aerial view of the Port of Cotonou, including the remnants of the old wooded pier (ca. WWII).

Note: none of these photos are my own; rather they were assembled from professional sources by the Council for the Promotion of Private Investment, who I hope will agree that my posting them helps their cause. Thanks for the loan!


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